Frame numbers
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Write the image numbers into the column. (You may also write one number.) The numbers should be separated by a comma, intervals may be marked with hyphen, double images with virgule (e.g. 3, 18-20, 24/25). Only registered users of Saaga can add the numbers. The same password is valid: if you have logged in to one interface, you do not need to log in to another. You can correct/delete only the numbers that you have added yourself.
Surname Petso
First name/head of household
Reference code EAA.3147.1.211
Fond name EELK Põlva kogudus
Record name Personaalraamat XXXV (Peri, Kähri, Tänassilma, Karilatsi, Tõdu, Kioma, Varbuse, Mooste, Kauksi, Jaanimõisa)
Start 1891
End End
Page 167, 223
Frame 91, 119