Saaga » Estica
The revisions of hides in the 17th-18th centuries
From Latvian, Swedish and Russian archives
Estica from Latvian archives
Estonia-related records from Latvian State Historical Archives
Estica from Siberian, Far Eastern and Kazakhstan archives
Materials collected during archival expeditions of Chair of Archival Studies of Tartu University
Collection of documents on history of education, collected by Endel Laul
Documents from the archives of Russia and Latvia
Manuscript of Jakob Koit from Swedish National Archives
Läänemere provintside valdustõendite koopiaraamatute regestid koos nime- ja kohaindeksiga
Eestlased Danzigi tehnikaülikoolis
Gruusia Estica
Samara Estica
Peterburi Estica
Rotalia Estonian Fraternity in USA
Copys from Immigration History Research Center Archives
What is Estica?
In the rubric of Estica, the National Archives offers access to the sources, originals of which are kept in different foreign archives, that are important from the viewpoint of Estonia history and researchers’ interest.