Reading rooms open in summer, interarchival loan continues
Dear visitors,
Our reading rooms in Tallinn (Madara 24) and Tartu (Nooruse 3) will be opened without summer break during June, July, and August from Monday to Friday 9–17. A detailed information is available in the news on reading rooms as well as in the online self-service.
Also, during the same period we’re offering an interarchival loan service between Tartu and Tallinn. Everyone is asked to pre-order the archival records online, the orders will be delivered around dates 10 and 25 every month. After a short break, the first interarchival loan will take place on 10 June.
If there is any question or concern, please turn to us:
tartu@ra.ee, +372 7387521; tallinn@ra.ee, +372 6938668.
The National Archives